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Harness the power of feng shui with skylights


Harness the power of feng shui with skylights

There’s no shortcut to health and happiness, but making your home a relaxing haven is a good place to start. Before you start clearing out the attic or scrubbing down the patio, there might be a simpler way to achieve a stress-free home.

You may be surprised, but adding a skylight into your home could be the first step to adding more serenity into your life. From letting in more natural light to helping you get more fresh air, your skylight can help bring calm into your hectic life. But did you know that the benefits of skylights have been used for thousands of years?

In this post we’re introducing you to the ancient art of Feng Shui and will show how with just a few simple skylight tweaks, you can add more health, wealth and happiness to your life. Cheers!

What is Feng Shui?

This centuries old system of laws is described as: ‘an ancient Chinese belief that the way your house is built or the way that you arrange objects affects your success, health and happiness.’

Essentially Feng Shui is about using design to allow positive vibes to circulate around your home. By marrying functionality to design aesthetic, you’ll be able to harness how ‘chi’ (energy that controls your health and mood) enters your life and enjoy more of the good stuff. Nice.

First stop, front door

Naturally ‘chi’ first enters the home through the front door so Feng Shui rules dictate that your front porch should be as welcoming and neat as possible.

In chinese culture, the front door symbolises wealth so it’s important to keep yours well presented to encourage good fortune. Spruce up your door with a fresh lick of paint or add potted plants to your entrance hall, and you may find that you enjoy an unexpected windfall.

Go green fingered

From placing potted plants in your bathroom to keeping your garden well-tended, Feng Shui laws are full of tips for using greenery to attract the things you want.

It’s said that your front garden symbolises your future, while your back garden represents health and wealth - so it’s time to nip to the garden centre and get creative. Who would’ve guessed that a few extra shrubs and beautiful blooms could lead to a brighter future?

Feeling a little blue? Feng Shui to the rescue again. A traditional Feng Shui test is to stand in your garden and if you don’t feel relaxed or content, make changes to your garden based on where you feel most uncomfortable.

Keep things clutter-free

Chi can’t circulate around your home with overflowing laundry piles and stacks of magazines everywhere. Invest in some sleek storage solutions or stylish baskets that keep walkways clear for chi (and everyone else) to navigate your home with ease.

Next, head to the bedroom and place your bed directly facing the door. As with decluttering, this is said to promote a calm state and better flow of energy. Aaand relax…

Make light and air your priority

For the ultimate fix of positive energy, treat yourself to an opening rooflight. Why? Because fresh air and natural light are the two main ingredients of successful Feng Shui. Good quality air and light are said to increase positive chi and encourage lighter, happier moods - and there’s no better way to ensure plenty of both than with a skylight.

Achieve the most positive Chi with a flat rooflight with an opening vent. This design helps to maximise light and promotes airflow without an intrusive design. And if you want to really unwind? Install the skylight in a living or dining area to combat stress when you come to sit down after a gruelling day.

Inspired to try out Feng Shui?

If you’ve tried any of our tips for harmony in your home, we want to hear from you. Tell us how you’ve used Feng Shui and we’ll reply with a bespoke skylight recommendation.

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